From The Desk of Carmen Grinkis: Social Security Optimization
Social Security benefits can be a financial lifeline for many, yet the complexity of the system often leaves significant opportunities unnoticed. There are many rules and formulas that can be difficult to understand—and the Social Security Administration won’t inform you that you have unclaimed benefits. We recently worked with a client who uncovered more than $10,000 annually in unclaimed benefits. This success story provides a glimpse into the persistent effort needed to navigate the system.
Client Success Story: Maximizing Social Security Benefits
Our client was eligible for an unexpected financial boost by claiming SS benefits from both her ex-husbands, one deceased. With our guidance, the client will now see an increase of almost $850 per month in social security benefits. The process wasn’t simple, requiring multiple in-person appointments, documentation such as marriage and divorce certificates, and a lot of patience. However, the outcome clearly demonstrated the value of persistence and thoroughness in optimizing Social Security claims.
Strategies for Social Security Optimization
At AAF Wealth Management, we emphasize the importance of exploring all potential sources of benefits. Our team uses simulation software to analyze claiming strategies, ensuring clients make the most informed decisions about when and how to claim benefits. For many, early claiming can reduce benefits and potentially trigger earning limits or paybacks. And for same-sex couples, there’s the added complexity of long-term legal considerations—as unfathomable and heart-wrenching as it sounds, marriage equality remains on the Supreme Court’s list of things to consider.
Social Security benefits should never be left unexplored. With professional advice and the right strategies, these benefits can provide a welcome boost to income—one that’s worth the effort it takes to claim.
Fun Fact: Kitty and I were the first same-sex female couple to tie the knot in Tiverton, RI in 2013. We recently celebrated our 10th anniversary. Social Security is a key element in our personal financial planning discussions too, as we contemplate how (and when) benefits should fit into our long-term financial plan. Our story echoes the same diligence we bring to our client work—making sure every decision is based on thoughtful consideration of all available options.
As always, if you have questions, please contact me at 774.512.4061 or

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