Tax Strategies Shaping Life Science Innovation

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About the Authors

Anthony Dello Stritto

Anthony Dello Stritto, CPA, MST

Anthony (Tony) provides proactive international, federal, and state tax planning, compliance, and business advisory services to multi-state and multi-national businesses in a variety of industries. His expertise includes tax provision preparation for both public and private companies. Tony advises C corporation clients on available tax benefits to minimize or prevent double taxation, including benefits made available as part of new and emerging legislation. He counsels flow-through entities on taxation of partnerships and S corporations as well …

Bella Amigud, CPA, MST

Bella delivers compliance and tax planning solutions for privately-held companies in a variety of industries, including life sciences, health tech, high tech, software, green tech, clean tech, retail, and private equity. She specializes in advising clients on international, federal, and multi-state taxation. Bella advises multi-national clients on the implications of cross-border transactions, including: initiation of U.S. or foreign operations, income tax nexus, filing options, tax credit rules, global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) and foreign-derived intangible income …