Charles Webb

Value-Based and Alternative Payment Methodologies Require a New Approach to Data Analysis, Reporting
Since the inception of electronic medical records and practice management systems, healthcare facility finance teams have had an overwhelming amount of data at their disposal that has gone largely underutilized. With the emergence of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and other alternative payment methodologies (APMs), providers have been asked to become more patient-focused, implementing care management […]
Membership Organization Revenue Management and Predictive Analytics
With the onset of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Accounting Standard Update (ASU) 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, (ASC Topic 606) membership organizations face a complex accounting exercise when answering: What value are members receiving? The value question proves extremely complex when applying the five-step approach outlined in the new revenue standard—specifically, step […]
Guidance for CHCs on Critical, ACO-related Budgeting, Forecasting, and Risk/Settlement Planning
Recently, healthcare providers have seen an increasing prominence of alternative payment methodologies (APMs), primarily in the form of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), which include risk sharing and/or incentive payment components. In Massachusetts, community health centers (CHCs) are beginning to have their first exposure to ACOs through the Medicaid 1115 waiver and the recently implemented MassHealth […]
AAFCPAs Healthcare eBook: Strategic Guidance for Healthcare Executives
Running a healthcare operation was complex even before recent activity shook the industry into a near-constant state of flux. Whether considering the shifting relationship between payers and providers, increased cyber-security threats, outcomes-based models, or any of the seemingly countless concerns, the need for organizations to stay one step ahead of change has never been so […]
AAFCPAs to Lead Three Educational Sessions at HFMA Conference Sharing Our Expertise with CHCs
AAFCPAs has been asked to share the firm’s expertise by presenting educational workshops on three important topics at the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s (HFMA) Inaugural Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Conference on May 3rd, 2018 in Manchester, New Hampshire. AAFCPAs is an ideal fit to contribute our knowledge base at this must-attend conference for finance […]

AAFCPAs’ Charlie Webb Earns Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP) Credential
AAFCPAs is pleased to announce that Partner Charlie Webb, CPA, CHFP, has been awarded the CHFP Certification by the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA). Charlie was awarded the CHFP credential in recognition of having earned a deep understanding of the new financial realities of health care, and his passing of HFMA’s rigorous Operational Excellence exam. […]
Denials Management: Best Practices in Improving Revenue Cycle Processes & Monitoring Third-Party Payer Denials
The complexities surrounding third-party revenue cycle management, patient eligibility, and systems capabilities to support process design changes continue to increase, as do third-party claim denials across virtually all payers. Denials can affect the bottom line of healthcare organizations, leading to lost revenue and productivity; however, in many cases, denials are preventable. In order to prevent denials, […]
Best Practices for Complying with HIPAA & Safeguarding Patient PHI Accessible to Your Business Associates
Healthcare is predicted to be the most targeted industry for cyberattacks in 2017, according to the 2017 Data Breach Industry Forecast from Experian. “Electronic health records remain likely to be a top target for hackers,” Experian found. To further heighten & complicate these risks, providers’ responsibilities for protecting personal health information (PHI) under the […]
HRSA Operational Site Visits: Considerations, Risks and Common Trouble Spots
Does your Health Center have its Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) site visit looming? If so, or if your Center has been through a recent HRSA Operational Site Visit (OSV), you know what a daunting, stressful and time consuming process this may be. HRSA is continually refining and clarifying the 330 program compliance requirements […]