David Gravel

Watch Now: 2022 Year-End Tax Planning & Compliance for Cannabis Businesses
Year End Cannabis Business Tax Planning In this live webinar, AAFCPAs’ Cannabis Practice Leaders covered Federal & State tax planning strategies for cannabis businesses. Listen to hear what you may need to consider now to optimize your 2022 tax position. Topics Covered Include: Key considerations for Tax Compliance Readiness 280E Tax key considerations, and the […]

MA Cannabis Reform Bill Signed by Governor
On August 11, 2022, Governor Charlie Baker signed into law the largest cannabis reform bill Massachusetts has seen since 2017: An Act Relative to Equity in the Cannabis Industry. The bill focused on welcomed provisions for operators: MA Decouples from Federal 280E, Offering Significant Tax Savings Social Equity Trust Fund Established, for the benefit of […]

MA Votes to Decouple from Federal 280E
On May 18, 2022, in a 153-2 vote, the Massachusetts House of Representatives approved sweeping marijuana reforms, which includes two welcomed provisions for operators! MA House Votes to Decouple from Federal 280E Tax Code The House voted to amend the state’s tax code to officially decouple from the federal tax code with respect to 280E. This […]

Tax Planning Guides for Businesses & Individuals (2021-2022)
When considering your optimal tax planning & compliance strategy, business & individual tax payers must account for all current and impending tax code changes. This includes the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the 2019 Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and subsequent stimulus initiatives, as […]
Marijuana Retail Tax Compliance
In today’s constantly evolving cannabis industry, cannabusinesses face numerous challenges that can impact their short- and long-term success. These include various state licensing regulations, the high-stakes tax burden created by IRC Section 280E, and the constant need to maintain a competitive edge. One of the most onerous challenges for operators is the need to stay […]

Form 1099-DIV Compliance Reminder & How to Determine Taxable Dividends
As the cannabis industry matures in Massachusetts, and investors begin to reap what they sowed, AAFCPAs reminds clients classified as Subchapter C corporations who paid distributions to shareholders in 2019 of their potential Form 1099-DIV compliance filing due to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by February 28, 2020 (or March 31, 2020 if e-filing). In […]

2018 Year-End Tax Planning for Privately-Held Companies (Part 2) Webinar OnDemand
In 2018, tax planning is more complicated than usual. Most provisions of the massive Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) go into effect this year, and as a result you likely will need to change at least some of your tax planning strategies. In this Webinar, recorded live on October 23rd, 2018, AAFCPAs Richard Weiner, CPA, […]

Webinar: 2018 Year-End Tax Planning for Privately-Held Companies (Part 2)
Information continues to emerge as a result of the monumental Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. For privately-held companies, the TCJA impacts your financial statements, operating model, liquidity, investments and capital, and people. For individuals, the TCJA impacts personal withholdings, charitable giving, family & education, retirement, and estate planning. AAFCPAs is pleased to offer a timely, […]
AAFCPAs Promotes Five New Managers to Support Firm Growth
It is with great pleasure that AAFCPAs recognizes the skill, effort, character, and dedication of five exceptional team members by promoting them to Manager. Through their commitment and unflagging enthusiasm to deliver excellence in service to our growing client base, each of the following individuals has earned this distinguished recognition and promotion to his or […]