Kelly Zack

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Maryland SaaS Taxability

Maryland SaaS Taxability

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware of new Maryland sales tax legislation, which effectively narrowed the definition of digital products and changed the sales taxability of Software as a Service (SaaS), effective July 1, 2022. Background In March 2021, Maryland’s Office of the Comptroller issued guidance on digital products and announced that SaaS would […]

Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax Changes

Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax Changes

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware, if you are subject to Pennsylvania’s corporate income tax, there are two significant changes instituted pursuant to H.B. 1342, signed by the governor on July 8th, 2022, effective starting in 2023. CORPORATE TAX RATE The current Corporate Net Income Tax (CNIT) rate is 8.99%.  There will be an […]

Easing the burden of cannabis state tax compliance

Easing the burden of cannabis state tax compliance

Keeping pace with state sales and excise tax requirements can be a significant burden for cannabis operators. The indirect nature of the tax – that it is collected at point of sale as part of a transaction and then must be remitted to the state(s) on their specific timeline – makes it an area of […]

Important Changes To Vermont Corporate Income Tax

Important Changes To Vermont Corporate Income Tax

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware, if you are subject to Vermont’s corporate income tax, there are several significant changes instituted pursuant to S.B 53, an act relating to changes to Vermont corporate income tax and conformity to federal tax laws, which will be effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, […]

New Colorado Retail Delivery Fee

New Colorado Retail Delivery Fee

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware, if you sell tangible property to customers located in Colorado, there is an important change coming that could significantly affect the amount of tax you need to collect from your customers. Effective July 1, 2022, the Colorado Department of Revenue will be instituting a new Retail Delivery Fee […]

DOR Update: 2022 Sales & Use Tax Returns Changes

DOR Update: 2022 Sales & Use Tax Returns Changes

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware of some recent changes instituted by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) related to 2022 Sales and Use Tax Returns, including forms related to sales tax on services and meals, room occupancy excise tax, and marijuana retail tax. New lines will be added to the Sales Tax on […]

Watch Now: 2021 Year-End Tax Planning & Compliance for Privately Held Companies

Watch Now: 2021 Year-End Tax Planning & Compliance for Privately Held Companies

AAFCPAs Tax Leaders provide an overview of what you need to know heading into year-end 2021. Congress tends to enact tax law changes every year. They also tend to put off passing tax legislation until the 11th hour. As we approach the end of 2021, this continues. AAFCPAs monitors closely the status of emerging legislation, […]

Tax Planning Guides for Businesses & Individuals (2021-2022)

Tax Planning Guides for Businesses & Individuals (2021-2022)

When considering your optimal tax planning & compliance strategy, business & individual tax payers must account for all current and impending tax code changes. This includes the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the 2019 Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and subsequent stimulus initiatives, as […]

Texas Franchise Tax Gross Receipts Sourcing Reform

Texas Franchise Tax Gross Receipts Sourcing Reform

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has adopted revisions to Franchise Tax apportionment rules proposed on November 2, 2020 under 34 Tex. Admin. Code section 3.591. The revisions seek to align statutory law with prior Court rulings, and to provide industry-specific updates. The changes may affect receipts […]