Matthew Hutt

Accounting Standards Update 2024
Accounting Standards Update | Webinar OnDemand Watch as AAFCPAs’ nonprofit assurance leaders offer insights on the lease standard along with key considerations as we enter year two of adoption. Gain understanding on lease renewals, accounting changes, and schedules. Delve into the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) standard effective in CY 2023 and FY 2024 and […]

OMB Releases Uniform Guidance Revisions
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released updates to its Uniform Guidance in April 2024. Updates affect non-federal entities that receive Federal awards. The OMB is responsible for the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), which oversees government-wide policies […]

Matthew Hutt, CPA, CGMA among the Worcester Business Journal’s inaugural Champions of Health Care award winners!
Enter To Win a Ticket to In-Person Awards and Forum AAFCPAs is pleased to announce that Matt Hutt, CPA, CGMA, Partner at AAFCPAs has been honored as one of the Worcester Business Journal’s 2023 Champions of Healthcare. The award honors professionals in the healthcare field who have gone above and beyond to help others and […]

Champions of Health Care: Hutt strengthens providers’ financials in the shift to preventative care
Worcester Business Journal (November 27, 2023) – As partner and healthcare division leader at Westborough accounting firm AAFCPAs, Matthew Hutt helps medical providers answer complicated questions. Healthcare providers, especially smaller ones, have difficulty thinking about long-term financial planning and navigating complex payment structures. That’s where Hutt and his team of tax professionals step in…

HRSA Announces Changes to Uniform Data System Reporting
AAFCPAs would like to make Federally Qualified Health Center clients aware of recent updates made by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) to the 2023 Uniform Data System (UDS) report, due February 15, 2024. Updates to UDS Reporting HRSA announced changes to how data on Table 6A are now defined including updates to applicable ICD-10-CM […]

Watch Now: Time & Effort Requirements
Matthew Hutt, CPA, CGMA and Robert Constantino, CPA, MSA provide an overview for FQHCs of the federal and state requirements of time and effort. Speakers covered: Federal and state requirements for time and effort Best practices for tracking and reporting of time and effort Implementation tips for tracking time and effort WATCH THIS WEBINAR ONDEMAND DETAILS […]
Changes to In-kind Donation Disclosures for Nonprofits
AAFCPAs would like to make nonprofit clients and donors aware that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has recently issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) to increase the transparency about the measurement of in-kind donations received by nonprofits, as well as the amount of those in-kind donations used in nonprofits’ programs and other activities. The […]

Accounting Standards Update
In this webcast, recorded April 2022 at AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Educational Seminar, AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Audit Leaders Matt Hutt, CPA, CGMA, Katie Belanger, CPA, and Olga Yasinnik, CPA, MBA provide key considerations and best practice recommendations related to new accounting standards implementations, including an expanded focus on the Lease standard. Download the full slides from AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Seminar >>
AAFCPAs’ Lease Task Force Advises: Do Not Delay!
In 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842) to increase transparency and comparability of lease transactions. Implementing FASB’s lease accounting standard will require businesses to invest considerable time and resources in gathering the information required for reporting. AAFCPAs advises clients to not delay! Lease Implementation Resources: […]