
Educational Podcast: How to Right-Size Your Finance Function
Listen to PodcastClick here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. Over one third of CFOs surveyed report human resource limitations and team bandwidth as the PRIMARY challenge in meeting the expectations of their CEO. Nonprofit finance departments are often juggling the day-to-day accounting and bookkeeping responsibilities alongside more complex and time […]

Educational Podcast: Cybersecurity in 2018
Listen to Podcast Click here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. Techniques of cyber-criminals continue to evolve. A recent study shared by InfoSecurity Magazine reports “Cyber-criminals have adopted an organizational shift in how they carry out their work, implementing corporate best practices and establishing professional businesses to increase the efficiency of their attacks […]
Educational Podcast: Unraveling the Mysteries of Employee Benefit Plan Costs
Listen to Podcast Click here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. Clients often ask “How much does my employee benefit plan cost, and how do costs relate to compliance and risks?” Plan costs are often buried and difficult for plan sponsors to truly figure out. In order to meet their fiduciary […]
Guidance on How UG Procurement Standards Affect Charter Schools
AAFCPAs’ John Buckley, CPA, CGMA discussed challenges and opportunities facing Charter Schools while attending and presenting at this year’s National Charter School’s Conference in Austin, TX. In conversations, John learned that many schools have yet to formally update their procurement policies to reflect the Uniform Guidance (UG) procurement standards. As a reminder, the grace period for non-federal entities […]

Educational Podcast: Keynote Marylou Sudders
Listen to PodcastClick here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. At the time of this post, Marylou Sudders leads the largest executive agency in state government, overseeing a $22 billion state budget, twelve agencies and 22,000 public servants. EOHHS services directly touch the lives of slightly more than 1 in 4 […]

Educational Podcast: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and What Nonprofits Need to Know
Listen to PodcastClick here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, known officially as H.R. 1, (The Act) represents a dramatic overhaul of the U.S. tax code, and includes widespread changes to the tax rules affecting charitable nonprofits. AFCPAs Joshua England, JD, LLP, Trust, Estate, Tax and […]

Educational Podcast: Nonprofit Executive Panel
Listen to PodcastClick here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. There’s nothing like being in a room full of like-minded peers to inspire creativity! In this closing panel session, we take advantage of this unique opportunity to leverage the collective expertise and experiences of peers to curate new ideas to help […]

Educational Podcast: 2018 Accounting Standards Update
Listen to PodcastClick here to listen to podcast or use the above media player. AAFCPAs Nonprofit Assurance Practice leader Matt Hutt, CPA, CGMA, Partner and Amanda Pelcher, CPA, provide attendees with specific implementation guidance for new major standards, including: Matt and Amanda provide operational insights and best practice recommendations on these complex technical accounting areas, allowing clients to […]
MTRS Issues Final GASB 68 Report, Providing Charter Schools with Their Portion of Pension Expense and Revenue
AAFCPAs would like to make Massachusetts Charter School clients aware that the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System (MTRS) has issued its GASB 68 “Schedule of Nonemployer Allocations and Schedule of Collective Pension Amounts” report for the year ended June 30, 2017. The Schedules are available here. >> AAFCPAs reminds clients, per Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) […]