Manufacturing & Distribution
Congress Passes Another Two-Year Suspension of the Medical Device Excise Tax
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that the Medical Device Excise Tax (“MDET”) has once again been suspended for 2018 and 2019, retroactive to January 1, 2018. MDET is a 2.3% tax on medical devices, enacted effective January 1, 2013. The tax applied to manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices, as defined by […]
AAFCPAs Advises Clients to Prepare for the Return of the Medical Device Tax
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that, effective January 1, 2018 the “moratorium” on medical device excise taxation expired, which affects many companies in the life-sciences, including those focused on bio-medical, pharmaceutical, or manufacturing & distribution. As you may recall, the Obama administration enacted the “Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes Act of 2015” (“PATH […]
AAFCPAs Shares Valuable Tax Insights in 2017 Year-End Corporate and Individual Tax Planning Webinar
AAFCPAs presented this webinar on Tuesday, November 14th from 12-1pm in a live, 1-hour corporate and individual tax planning session. As you are aware, there is potential for dramatic changes in Federal and State tax law on the horizon which, more than ever, requires a multi-year approach to tax planning. AAFCPAs’ Richard Weiner, CPA, MST, Bella Amigud, […]

Why Manufacturers May Need to Change their Management Style
ChiefExecutive | Some experts, including AAFCPAs’ Jack Finning, say the future successes and competitive advantages of manufacturers will hinge on how they manage their incoming talent…

The Massive Retiree Wave Demands Manufacturers Embrace Planning
Industry Week | AAFCPAs’ partner Jack Finning offers guidance for company owners preparing for a sale or transfer of leadership. “They must be able to clearly and effectively communicate with the next generation about how to best steer the organization through these choppy waters.”
Accelerate Deductions and Reduce Tax Liability with Tangible Property Regulations and R&D Tax Credits
It is a little-known fact to most accountants that businesses leave money on the table by 1) paying taxes before they have to, and 2) by not identifying deductions in a timely manner that may be accelerated. At AAFCPAs, we regularly identify opportunities for clients that may yield new avenues for them to qualify for deductions […]
Payroll Tax Credit Available To Start-ups
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware of the significant benefits available to small businesses as a result of provisions enacted in the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (“PATH Act”). The Research Credit may now be applied to offset payroll taxes for start-up businesses. Who do these new provisions of the PATH Act […]
Unique Tax Breaks for Breweries
Is your business familiar with the unique tax breaks available in the brewery industry? AAFCPAs has provided for your convenience the below tax insights that could have a major impact on reducing your tax burden: Section 179 Depreciation Breweries are capital intensive businesses, and equipment investments can be significant. Section 179 allows breweries to deduct […]
Tax Return Due Dates & Filing Extensions Changed
In a 2015 highway funding bill, Congress & the IRS announced changes to due dates for partnership and corporate tax returns, as well as FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), and several other IRS information returns. These changes will affect your 2016 tax filings. AAFCPAs has provided the following summary […]