Professional Services
Tax Planning Guide for Individuals and Businesses Year-End 2015
AAFCPAs is pleased to provide you with detailed tax planning guides that we know you will find helpful in navigating the numerous tax updates taking effect in 2016! If you have not done so already, there is still time to consider year-end tax-saving opportunities. These tax guides are organized into sections discussing year-end, as well […]
New IRS Employer Reporting Requirements Under ACA
AAFCPAs reminds clients that, pursuant to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the employer information reporting provision for offers of minimum essential coverage, which applies only to applicable large employers, is now in effect. Do you qualify as an ALE? An applicable large employer (ALE) is, for a particular calendar year, any single employer, or group […]
Reduce Your Corporate or Partnership Income Tax for 2015
For every business, there is a lot at stake when it comes to tax. AAFCPAs wants you to take full advantage of all available tax benefits to assure you are optimizing your tax liability. Below are a few examples of vehicles to consider that may work favorably for you, but your planning should begin now. […]
Tax Return Due Dates & Filing Extensions Changed
Congress & the IRS recently announced changes to due dates for partnership and corporate tax returns, as well as FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), and several other IRS information returns. This announcement has received a lot of publicity, but AAFCPAs reminds you that the changes will not affect you […]
Managing the IRS Repair Regulations and the Ongoing Challenges Presented After Initial Implementation
The IRS final “repair regulations,” effective January 1, 2014, completely revamped the way taxpayers evaluate expenditures in order to determine whether certain costs represent immediately deductible repair expenses, or capital improvements that must be depreciated over time. In addition, regulations issued in Section 1.162-3 provide new guidance on when a taxpayer may deduct costs incurred […]