Cyber Security

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Protect Yourself from AI Voice Scams

Protect Yourself from AI Voice Scams

Voice impersonations of trusted family members, friends, even presidential candidates by artificial intelligence (AI) have been used to conduct fraud, an issue that’s become so widespread that the Federal Trade Commission released a consumer alert on the subject. In this, officials touched on the rise in chatbots, i.e., computer programs that simulate conversations, deepfakes, i.e., […]

Tax Season Brings Rise in Cyber Crime

Tax Season Brings Rise in Cyber Crime

Cybercriminals are looking for ways to capitalize on tax season, with scams on the rise as businesses and individuals prepare to file returns. This means the simple act of opening an email or answering a call could put you at risk of identity theft or return preparer fraud. Making matters worse is a rise in […]

How to Right-Size Cybersecurity to Fit the Small Nonprofit

How to Right-Size Cybersecurity to Fit the Small Nonprofit

Organizations rely on technology for communicating, managing our work, assisting us in making accurate and timely decisions, assisting customers, and staying in the know wherever we go. But along with this comes a mounting risk of data breach. Particularly susceptible are small nonprofit organizations with fewer technical safeguards, outdated security protocols, and modest IT budgets. […]

October Designated National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October Designated National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October kicks off National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), which is dedicated to raising public awareness on the importance of cybersecurity. Launched in 2004 by the U.S. federal government, NCSAM aims to encourage businesses and individuals to investigate potential risk along with strategies to improve the security of critical infrastructure. Where To Start The threat landscape […]

FQHCs Prepare for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

FQHCs Prepare for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

FQHCs are faced with an ever-shifting cybersecurity landscape due to emerging technologies and shifting internal and cloud vulnerabilities. Adding to this are regulations designed to keep pace as well as the data (health and personally identifiable) that live through their systems. The U.S. federal government has designated October as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). AAFCPAs […]

Cyrillic Characters Used in Cyber Attacks

Cyrillic Characters Used in Cyber Attacks

Recent reports show hackers substituting Roman alphabet with Cyrillic alphabet characters to deceive recipients. In their article “Real or Imposter? Everything You Need to Know About ‘Homoglyph’ Phishing”, CISO MAG describes this tactic, known as The Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) homoglyph attack, as “a deception technique that uses homoglyphs or homographs, in which an attacker […]

AAFCPAs Recommends Common Sense Precautions After Spoofed Email

AAFCPAs Recommends Common Sense Precautions After Spoofed Email

AAFCPAs was recently informed that one of its email accounts had been spoofed, i.e., an outside party impersonated the company while sending spam. Consequently, some individuals may have received an email that appeared authentic but contained inappropriate or spam-like content or promoted products or services that we do not sell. We want to assure you […]

SOC 2 Meets Death Master File Certification Requirements
SOC 2 Meets Death Master File Certification Requirements

SOC 2 Meets Death Master File Certification Requirements

The System and Organization Controls (SOC) framework may be mapped to achieve requirements of the National Technical Information Service’s (NTIS) Limited Access Death Master File (LADMF) certification. When choosing SOC 2 to achieve your LADMF certification, businesses may also benefit from the marketing value of their SOC 2 attestation, which demonstrates your commitment to access […]

Live Session: Cybersecurity, April 27

Live Session: Cybersecurity, April 27

AAFCPAs’ Annual Nonprofit Educational Seminar is Virtual Again in 2022! AAFCPAs is offering a full day of educational content (9am – 3pm) designed to educate, challenge, and inspire nonprofit professionals! As a client and/or friend of AAFCPAs, your registration is complimentary. Reserve your seat.>> Featured Session: Cybersecurity (9:50am – 10:20am) In the rapidly evolving threat […]