Healthcare Consulting & Reimbursements

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Medicare PPS Base Rate for 2016

Medicare PPS Base Rate for 2016

As a reminder, on January 1, 2016, Medicare increased the Prospective Payment System (PPS) base payment rate from $158.85 to $160.60. The PPS base payment rate is effective for the calendar year 2016 and reflects a 1.1% increase from the calendar year 2015 rate. The rate was updated to reflect inflation, and the increase is […]

Nonprofits and the “Bucket system”: from cash management to investment returns

Nonprofits and the “Bucket system”: from cash management to investment returns

It can be tempting for nonprofits to focus solely on near-term strategy.  The grant environment is challenging, and competition for donor dollars has never been fiercer.  Keeping a plan on track that supports financial health is often a year-by-year exercise. That exercise, though, varies widely depending on how the organization brings in revenue. Those that […]

The MA Attorney General Launches Online Payment System (ePay) to Accept Fees from Charities

The MA Attorney General Launches Online Payment System (ePay) to Accept Fees from Charities

The Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General (AGO), Division of Public Charities office has announced the launch of its statewide, online payment system to accept annual filing fees from registered charities.  Any public charity that is registered with the AGO and has an Attorney General Number may now use the ePay site to remit their […]

AAFCPAs to Present Cost Report Training for MassLeague Members on 10/2

AAFCPAs to Present Cost Report Training for MassLeague Members on 10/2

AAFCPAs Partner Matt Hutt, CPA, CGMA, and AAFCPAs Manager Courtney McFarland, CPA, in collaboration with the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, will present a Medicare and Medicaid Cost Report Training on October 2, 2015 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the DoubleTree, Westborough, MA. Matt and Courtney will provide guidance and best practices […]

Are you ready for ICD-10?

Are you ready for ICD-10?

What is ICD?The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes.  ICD is used by physicians, nurses, other providers, researchers, health information managers and coders, health information technology workers, policy-makers, insurers and patient organizations to classify diseases and other health problems. ICD, published by the World […]

Grants Available for Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care

Grants Available for Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA) Foundation’s Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care grant initiative may be a potentially valuable opportunity for your business or someone you know.  BCBSMA is now accepting Letters of Inquiry (LOI) for the 2015-2018 funding year, due July 29, 2015. BCBSMA is focused on ensuring that […]

AAFCPAs Medicare FQHC PPS Training

AAFCPAs Medicare FQHC PPS Training

Are you on target to implement the new Medicare Prospective Payment System? AAFCPAs, in collaboration with the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, will present Medicare FQHC PPS Training on March 26, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the DoubleTree by Hilton Boston – Westborough, MA. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act […]

Health Center Compliance with the Federal 340B Program

Health Center Compliance with the Federal 340B Program

The Federal 340B Program has detailed compliance requirements and participants are struggling to understand, comply with, and monitor these requirements.  Scrutiny by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) had been mainly focused on for profit hospital environments; however, the focus is now shifting towards Health Centers and contracted pharmacies.   HRSA along with the Office of […]