Nonprofit Management Consulting

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A window to your world: Your annual report is a mighty communications tool

A window to your world: Your annual report is a mighty communications tool

The end of the year is the time when organizations put together their annual reports. If you’re thinking “so much work and so little payoff,” consider this: The annual report is your organization’s No. 1 communications tool. What other vehicle has the potential to favorably impress new and prospective donors, volunteers, community partners, sponsors, board […]

Are you satisfied with your board’s performance?

Are you satisfied with your board’s performance?

Do you rave about your board of directors’ performance, telling everyone you know about, for example, its fundraising accomplishments, useful feedback on your performance and success at solving big-picture problems? If you can answer “yes” to this question, acknowledge your good fortune and leadership ability. But if you can’t give such a glowing review of […]

Restricted gifts call for careful handling

Restricted gifts call for careful handling

A recent New Jersey appellate court case, Bernard and Jeanne Adler v. SAVE, a Friend to Homeless Animals, serves to remind nonprofits that restricted gifts need to be treated gingerly. The case involves a New Jersey couple who donated $50,000 to a charity with the understanding that it would be applied to the costs of […]

Stack up with benchmarking – Ratios can provide crucial insights

Stack up with benchmarking – Ratios can provide crucial insights

ABC Charity was applying for the first time to a national retailer for grant funding. As Roberta, the executive director, read through the application, she stumbled: The company wanted to know her organization’s “fundraising efficiency ratio.” This was a problem. Roberta could write at length about the organization’s fundraising efforts and successes, as well as […]

Auditor recommendations can be a treasure trove

Auditor recommendations can be a treasure trove

Nonprofit leaders typically pay a lot of attention to the auditors’ findings after an annual audit, and correct any “deficiencies” or “weaknesses” in internal controls. But the auditor’s recommendations — formerly the “management letter” — provided in the report also can provide a gold mine of information. Segregation of duties Better segregation of staff duties […]

Department of Revenue Requirement to "Certify Your Tax Status"

Department of Revenue Requirement to "Certify Your Tax Status"

Many companies located in Massachusetts have received an email this week from the Department of Revenue (“DOR”) informing them of a requirement to “certify their tax status” on line via the DOR WebFile site before April 1. The purpose of obtaining this certification is to allow the DOR to publish a list of businesses qualifying […]

Protecting Privacy– Meld best practices into your policy and procedures 

Protecting Privacy– Meld best practices into your policy and procedures 

An appreciation for protecting individuals’ privacy has picked up steam in recent years, fueled by public outrage over identity theft and other violations. The protection of an individual’s privacy strikes the core of nonprofits, which collect a significant amount of personal data on clients, donors and other constituents. Safeguarding their privacy starts with the development […]

Outsource your nonprofit’s accounting functions

Outsource your nonprofit’s accounting functions

As your nonprofit strives to use its resources as effectively as possible, you might at some point consider outsourcing the functions that fall under your accounting and financial umbrella. But wait: You’ll need to weigh the pros and cons before making this important decision. What are the potential advantages? Nonprofits often outsource work in areas […]

News For NonProfits

News For NonProfits

Board members get low scores in fundraising If you feel let down by the fundraising efforts of your board of directors, you’re not alone. According to recently released study results, a significant number of chief executives say that, while board members are good at giving money from their own pockets, too many are wallflowers when […]