State and Local Tax (SALT)

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Cannabis Business Owners: Multi-State Tax Considerations for Multi-State Operators

Cannabis Business Owners: Multi-State Tax Considerations for Multi-State Operators

Cannabis legalization continues to gain momentum across the country, with several new states having legalized marijuana in 2021. As of this post, the number of states in which recreational marijuana is legal is 18, and 16 other states allow for medical use only. Cannabis business owners and investors are hopeful this momentum has set the […]

Tax Planning Guides for Businesses & Individuals (2021-2022)

Tax Planning Guides for Businesses & Individuals (2021-2022)

When considering your optimal tax planning & compliance strategy, business & individual tax payers must account for all current and impending tax code changes. This includes the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the 2019 Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and subsequent stimulus initiatives, as […]

Texas Franchise Tax Gross Receipts Sourcing Reform

Texas Franchise Tax Gross Receipts Sourcing Reform

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has adopted revisions to Franchise Tax apportionment rules proposed on November 2, 2020 under 34 Tex. Admin. Code section 3.591. The revisions seek to align statutory law with prior Court rulings, and to provide industry-specific updates. The changes may affect receipts […]

How and When to Make Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments, Pay Online

How and When to Make Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments, Pay Online

As a reminder, the U.S. tax system operates on a pay-as-you-go basis. For estimated tax purposes, a year has four payment periods. Taxpayers must make a payment each quarter. For most people, the due date for the first quarterly payment is April 15. The following payments are due June 15 and Sept. 15, with the […]

Alabama Makes Significant Changes to Income Tax Structure
Welcome to Alabama

Alabama Makes Significant Changes to Income Tax Structure

AAFCPAs would like to make clients doing business in Alabama aware of significant changes to the state’s income tax structure.  On February 12th, Alabama enacted H.B. 170 which may affect 2020 tax returns as well as 2021 tax liability. AAFCPAs Highlights Alabama’s Tax Law Changes Below: Effective for Tax Years Beginning On or After January […]

AAFCPAs Releases 2020-2021 Tax Planning Guide for Businesses & Individuals

AAFCPAs Releases 2020-2021 Tax Planning Guide for Businesses & Individuals

In 2020, tax planning is more complicated than usual. We now have a full view of the impact of United States’ massive 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and the 2019 Further Consolidated Appropriations Act on clients’ short and longer-term tax planning strategies. We must now evaluate these Acts in tandem with the $2.2 […]

Tax Planning Webinar: Guidance for Businesses Approaching 2020 Year End

Tax Planning Webinar: Guidance for Businesses Approaching 2020 Year End

In 2020, tax planning is more complicated than usual. It may be daunting to understand what to withhold, or not withhold; where to file or not file; where to retire or not retire; or where to expand or not expand. In this 1 hour webinar, AAFCPAs Tax Advisors will cover what Business Owners, CFOs, and […]

Remote Work and Income Taxes
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Remote Work and Income Taxes

More Americans than ever are working remotely due in large part to the Covid-19 pandemic, a trend which may continue indefinitely. This shift in the status quo has created an unprecedented tax dilemma for employers with multi-state workers as well as those employees who may now be considered multi-state workers.

AAFCPAs’ Tax Attorney Provides Practical Tips and Strategies for How to Handle State and Federal Tax Controversy

AAFCPAs’ Tax Attorney Provides Practical Tips and Strategies for How to Handle State and Federal Tax Controversy

AAFCPAs’ Partner and Tax Attorney Joshua England, LLM, Esq will share practical tips and strategies on how to anticipate state and federal tax controversy in a live webcast on October 7th, 2020 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET. Josh will be joined by Jon S. Barooshian, Esq., Partner at Bowditch & Dewey, Attorneys. In recent […]