Uniform Financial Report (UFR)

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Are Raises the Same as Bonuses?

Are Raises the Same as Bonuses?

OSD Regulations on Salaries, Raises and Bonuses for Nonprofits Who File the UFR The Massachusetts Operational Services Division (OSD), as the responsible oversight entity for health and human services organizations who hold contracts with the Commonwealth, maintains compliance requirements specific to employee compensation. These requirements include specific parameters related to incentivizing employees with salaries, raises […]

2014 Uniform Financial Reporting Requirements

2014 Uniform Financial Reporting Requirements

On August 28th, AAF held a UFR Update webinar for more than 80 registered viewers. Our presenter, Robin Kelley, CPA, provided the participants with an update of the impact of Chapter 257 on the UFR and the new reporting requirements as well as discussion of risk areas and surplus revenue retention management. If you missed the webinar, […]

2014 UFR Update

2014 UFR Update

Good news to share! The 2014 UFR Preparation Manual was released yesterday and, after much consideration, the Commonwealth of MA, Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) decided to allow providers to combine programs that have the same program code this year and not require you to separate non Chapter 257 funded costs from […]

Are You Ready for the 2014 UFR?

Are You Ready for the 2014 UFR?

Chapter 257 of the Acts of 2008 placed the authority for determining human and social service reimbursement rates with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS). The Uniform Financial Report (UFR) is a key source for the financial data used in this analysis. In 2013, the UFR Preparation Manual instructions listed the activity […]