Unrelated Business Income Tax

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AAFCPAs Urges Repeal of Nonprofit Transportation Tax
AAFCPAs Urges Repeal of Counterproductive Nonprofit Transportation Tax

AAFCPAs Urges Repeal of Nonprofit Transportation Tax

AAFCPAs has sent a letter to Congressman Richard Neal (D-Mass.), Chair of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee, asking him to lend his support to nonprofits by helping to repeal Internal Revenue Code Section 512(a)(7). Section 512(a)(7) of the new tax code requires nonprofits to now pay a burdensome tax on parking and transportation fringe […]

AAFCPAs’ Joyce Ripianzi to Present Accounting & Tax Update for Nonprofit EDs and Board Members

AAFCPAs’ Joyce Ripianzi to Present Accounting & Tax Update for Nonprofit EDs and Board Members

AAFCPAs Partner Joyce Ripianzi, CPA has been selected to present an educational Accounting & Tax Update on March 9th as part of the Essex County Community Foundation’s 10th Annual Institute for Trustees. This annual event is designed to provide education, training and best practices for first year board members as well as the most seasoned […]

Updates for Nonprofits under the New Tax Act

Updates for Nonprofits under the New Tax Act

This blog was revised on 10/10/19. AAFCPAs would like to make Tax Exempt Organizations aware of recent legislative and regulatory updates related to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, (“TCJA”) and how these may affect charitable nonprofits. What is Considered a Nondeductible Parking Expense that will now Trigger Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)? On December […]

AAFCPAs Outlines State Applicability, IRS Guidance Related to TCJA that Nonprofits Need to Know

AAFCPAs Outlines State Applicability, IRS Guidance Related to TCJA that Nonprofits Need to Know

AAFCPAs would like to make Tax Exempt Organizations aware of state by state applicability and recent IRS guidance on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, known officially as H.R. 1, (the “TCJA”) and how it pertains to charitable nonprofits. AAFCPAs has outlined the following applicability and guidance that are especially noteworthy: State by state applicability […]

Cautionary Tales: When year-round communication is left out of tax planning

Cautionary Tales: When year-round communication is left out of tax planning

The pace of change in business is rapid, and as you know, executive leadership must be poised to quickly respond to challenges and seize opportunities as they arise. Often, decisions made throughout the year in response to challenges and opportunities have tax implications. In some cases, the tax benefits of these decisions have windows of […]

How Your Form 990 May Trigger an Audit

How Your Form 990 May Trigger an Audit

AAFCPAs would like to make our clients aware that the IRS is now taking a data-driven approach to reviewing the Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, to scrutinize governance, accountability and oversight of exempt organizations.   The IRS’s Exempt Organizations (EO) compliance specialists are now using data queries to better focus their examination […]

Tax Return Due Dates & Filing Extensions Changed

Tax Return Due Dates & Filing Extensions Changed

In a 2015 highway funding bill, Congress & the IRS announced changes to due dates for partnership and corporate tax returns, as well as FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), and several other IRS information returns.  These changes will affect your 2016 tax filings. AAFCPAs has provided the following summary […]

How Will the Election Impact Your Taxes?

How Will the Election Impact Your Taxes?

As the 2016 US Presidential Election approaches, AAFCPAs’ Richard Weiner shares his viewpoints on the short and long-term tax impact Clinton or Trump presidency may have, as well as an analysis of how Republican’s and Democrat’s respective tax plans may impact clients. How quickly will the new President impact you personally or professionally? The composition […]

MA DOR Announces Tax Amnesty 2016

MA DOR Announces Tax Amnesty 2016

AAFCPAs would like to make you aware that the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) has recently announced a 2016 Tax Amnesty Program, open to all individuals and businesses who have not filed all Massachusetts tax returns, or have underreported taxes on previously filed returns. The tax amnesty program is a limited-time opportunity, and allows taxpayers […]