Sandy Keegan, MSA
Sandy is a member of AAFCPAs’ specialized Employee Benefit Plan Audit & Consulting Practice with extensive expertise in the Department of Labor’s stringent rules and regulations for reporting and disclosure under ERISA. She supervises audits and advises plan sponsors on ERISA compliance requirements, including those associated with administering 401K, 403B, Defined Benefit, and Health & Welfare Plans. She reviews Form 5500s to confirm that investments reflect accurately in the financial information, and that clients are operating the plan in compliance with ERISA.
Sandy earned the Advanced Defined Contribution Plans Audit badge from the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), which demonstrates her commitment to quality. She has extensive expertise with planning and general procedures, internal control, net assets available for benefits, changes in net assets, planning tax status, financial statement presentation, disclosure and regulatory reporting, and audit reports.
She is a firm-wide training instructor for team member’s conducting ERISA audits. She is also a performance manager, providing new accountants at the firm with leadership and coaching as they travel along their professional journey. She proactively helps with goal setting and provides continuous feedback.
- Nichols College – Master of Science in Accounting
- Southern New Hampshire University – 3Year Honors Program in Business Administration, Accounting, summa cum laude honors
Professional and Civic Associations
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants